Plan Geletterdheid Verhogen – G-coach
18th January 2016
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Location / Country / Region
Flemish region of Belgium
Short description
On December 14, 2012 the Flemish Government adopted a new Literacy Plan, which runs from 2012 to 2016. This plan is the successor to the first Literacy Plan which ran from 2005 to 2011. With the first plan the beacons were plotted for a structural literacy policy in Flanders. A wide range of operational objectives and actions have been set up in various policy areas that could be done systematically and structurally to increase literacy competencies. Job seekers often want to increase their chances on the labor market by attending vocational training but the lack of adequate literacy skills is an obstacle to achieving vocational qualifications. From this fact the idea grew with many actors that the willingness of low-literate or illiterate to improve their literacy skills can be much greater when the work on literacy is integrated within vocational training. The Centre for Language and Education (CTO, Leuven) and the Center for Basic Education Leuven Hageland conducted a project in 2009. The mission included the elaboration of a clear and unambiguous model for the organization of integrated literacy training and a detailed methodology. One of the actions was the implementation of a G-coach, a sort of co-teaching where a teacher specialised in literacy issues supports the overall training and teachers.
Actors Involved
- Flemish Government
- Several Flemish policy areas : Education and Training, Employment, Culture, Welfare and Administrative Matters
Target audiences
- Illiterate or low illiterate adult learners
Time frame
2012 – 2016
Relevant links, websites, etc.