3rd Partner meeting in Krakow, Poland
11th June 2015
The third project partner meeting took place in Krakow, Poland from 8-10 of June. The three-day meeting provided a valuable opportunity for partners to present their research and work taken place as part of the LLL-Labs and LLL-Forums in the different countries and to plan the next steps which include the finalsation of national state of play reports and the country profiles as well as the planning of the LLL-AGORA in Brussels which will bring 15 experts from each country together as well as key stake holders and policy makers.
The LLL-AGORA will take place in the Spring 2016 and the date will be confirmed shortly. The LLL-AGORA is a public event.

During their stay in Poland, partners also had the chance to participate the expert debate “Qualifications at the start” which was co-organised by our partner WUP and Krakow Technology Park as part of the Malopolska Day of Learning. The debate dealt with three key issues. 1) Start-ups and modern business, 2) The role of new technologies (between science and entrepreneurship), 3) Competences and the labour market.