COMORELP project partners came together in Istanbul, Turkiye for the 5th Transnational Project Meeting!
16th November 2022
The host institution Bogazici University Lifelong Learning Center welcomed the project partners at the Bogazici University and the meeting started on 7th November. After reviewing the Agenda the Project Coordinator Dr. Barbara Worek has initiated the discussion on Regional Round Tables that conducted in each region for self-assessment of regional policies and lifelong learning activities. Each partner has presented the overall evaluation with short presentations. The first day of the meeting continued with the discussion on the EU Policy Lab setup focusing on the functionality on the platform and access for the external users. Following the discussion on the Lab, a presentation of the draft Distance Learning Report was the last session on the agenda of the first day. Project partners presented the main conclusions from their Regional reports on distance learning together with statistical data, challenges and recommendations. The session has concluded with the joint discussion on the possibilities of using the results and recommendations.
On 8th November, the agenda mainly focused on the Regional Reports. Partners shared the SWOT analysis as a basis for the results of the regional reports. After presentations, the discussion elaborated on what is missing in the Reports, what kind of data is missing partners’ presentations. Upon seeing the main results and findings, the regional report template has been revised for a better structure and content, as well. Following the project management issues and deadlines for the deliverables, the 5th TPM of COMORELP has been ended by the project coordinator Dr. Barbara Worek.