Our Experts

All partners organising LLL-LABS and LLL-FORUMS identified a wide range of experts who have been involved in the LLL-LABS (project research phase) of which at least 15 from each country also have been involved in the LLL-FORUMS (regional/national seminar) and the LLL-AGORA.

In this section of the website we are providing the profiles of the experts selected to take part in the LLL-FORUMS and the LLL-AGORA. It is also possible to register as an external expert if you are working in areas related to the project themes and have an interest in connecting and collaborating with the experts identified by the project.

  • Participants have to come from either the practical field of LLL, from policy-making institutions or from an academic background; preferably in equal numbers of each field.
  • Participants have to possess knowledge and experience concerning different types of LLL, focus their activities on the labour market or on personal development.

Maya Damyankina


Type of organisationOther

extracurricular educational institution

Type of functionOther

providing free educational services for students

Area of expertise
  • Teaching


education for students from first to twelfth grade

OrganisationUnited children complex

Job Title/PositionPrincipal

Languages Spoken
  • Bulgarian



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