Challenge 2016
22nd January 2016
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Short description
Outdoor training activity, wich aims learning through experience. It aims to equip students with transferable skills such as leadership, team work, overcoming adversity, and dealing with failure.
Actors Involved
Business School, University of Extremadura, University Students, University Professors, Entrepreneurs, Caja Extremadura Foundation.
Target audiences
Professors of University, University Students, Entrepreneurs
Time frame
Relevant links, websites, etc.
1. Detailed description
Six teams of participants are formed by mixing university students, University Professors and businessmen. Each team will be equipped with clothing of a different color. For 5 days, the teams have to perform outdoor tests, which will be critical self-organization capabilities, teamwork, distribution of tasks, optimization of time and resources, leadership. At the end of the day, teams will receive feedback from a coach, analyzing the achievements and failures.
Upon completion of the program, each team will receive a summary of acquired skills and the development achieved as a group.
2. Analysis
Impact on the LLL-Learner LLL and professional Pathway
Coexistence in adverse situations between entrepreneus and students, creates a symbiosis that allows participants grow in their personal and group skills. Students, for empathy, assume leadership roles and attitudes needed to develop their professional work in the market. Entrepreneurs are faced with adverse situations that require them to update their skills and abilities, and test their leadership skills, orienting towards optimization.
Key success factors
Participants must be willing to improve their skills. Training tests must have serious goals and aims and objectives.
As for economic sustainability, is a program that, in terms of business participation, maintaining itself, as entrepreneurs pay their fee. As for the students, a system of scholarships and grants necessary, through a foundation.
What could be appropriated by others? And how?
It could be adapted to other organizations, not only entreprenueus. Those kind of skills are just transferable to any kind of job, they are social skills.
We would like to implement the program by further training activities through which students and teachers involved, could transfer the knowledge to other students of the faculty.
3. Lessons Learnt
Regarding the building of a shared definition of LLL in LLL-Hub
This type of training activity through outdoor experience is essential for LLL, because it provides first-hand knowledge acquired by the participant, and directly transferable to their professional and social level.
Regarding the possibilities of having practices in LLL which evolve and become more innovative
It would be good to introduce a program of exchanges to share and compare experiences that could define opportunities and weaknesses of the programs and innovation factors.
Regarding the key actors, their roles and activities in LLL
The program of exchanges referred would be done by and for the key actors.
Regarding the appropriateness between local / national and European frameworks and how to act upon them to make them converge
It is important the support and collaboration of the various local, regional and national authorities, to provide sustainability for this type of programs.
I think the internationalization of the activity within the framework of the European Union, would provide excellence to the program, and would allow the participants to acquire other skills, such as linguistic, language, addressing cultural differences, cross-border business, company internationalization, foreign market , etc.