Lecturer Training and Support Unit (LTSU)
28th August 2015
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Location / Country / Region
Plasencia, Extremadura, Spain
Short description
The project consists of a LLL programme supported by the Lecturer Training and Support Unit (LTSU) of the University of Extremadura.
Actors Involved
Actors involved in the project include the University of Extremadura, teachers, researchers, University students, the administrative and service staff and High School students.
Target audiences
The target audience of the project includes professors of University, researchers, University students, the administrative and service staff and High School students.
Time frame
The trainings are provided throughout the academic year.
Relevant links, websites, etc.
Links with European issues and frameworks
The project is designed in the framework of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA)’s policy.
1. Detailed description
The Lecturer Training and Support Unit (LTSU) was set up in October 2004 as the result of a decision made by the University Governing Body to reconvert the former Institute of Educational Sciences into a Service whose main task would be to adapt the University of Extremadura to the demands of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA)’s policy. With this aim, the LTSU implements varied activities such as the on-going training of the teaching staff or the training of students in cross-curricular topics.
In order to carry out all its activities, the LTSU is organised in three main functional areas: Lecturer Training, Educational Technology and Guidance and Tutoring. The main function of the first two areas is to provide lecturers with technical advice and support in the process of adapting to the new demands of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) and in the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs). The area of Guidance and Tutoring is in charge of coordinating a specific programme of Tutoring designed for both secondary school learners and students enrolled at the University of Extremadura.
The LTSU is ascribed to the Deputy Vice-chancellor’s Office for quality assurance. The unit consists of both teaching and administration staff. The teaching staff is in charge of the management of the service and the administration staff deals with the administrative and technical tasks.
Services Offered To Teaching And Research Staff (Trs) And Administration Staff (As)
- Design and coordination of call for proposals of training activities (TRS & AS)
- Definition and diffusion of the Annual Training Programme (TRS & AS)
- Management of registrations for training activities (TRS & AS)
- Payment for the lecturers involved in training activities (TRS & AS)
- Issue of certificates of course delivery (TRS & AS)
- Issue of certificates of course attendance (TRS & AS)
- Promotion of Teaching Innovation Groups for adaptation to the European Higher Education Area. (TRS)
Services Offered To The Teaching And Research Staff (Trs)
- Design of multimedia resources to support teaching practices (TRS)
- Loan service of audio-visual equipment with technical support (TRS)
- Booking of LTSU classrooms (TRS)
- Training programme for tutors in the EHEA (TRS)
- Training programme for secondary school counsellors by means of the Regional Meeting for School
Service offered to the board and coordinators of the university entrance exams (UEEs)
- Support for the organizing board of the University Entrance Exams (UEEs) and its coordinators.
- Provision of information to secondary schools on UEEs (Secondary school students)
- Design of the University’s General Programme for Student Guidance in coordination with the Deputy Vice-chancellor’s Office for Students.
- Design of the Programme for Tutoring Students (secondary school and university students)
Training programme for undergraduate students in cross-curricular competences (students enrolled in the programmes for Tutoring)
2. Analysis
In recent years, the University of Extremadura (UEx) has been characterized by encouraging educational innovation with the objective of ensuring the quality of the various degrees that are taught at our University through the adaptation of its resources (human and material) and, above all, by promoting the improvement of the teaching-learning process in our titles. This has followed the proposals from the European space of higher education (EEES) methodologies and betting on the renewal of the educational model through the implementation of innovative experiences in teaching practices.
Impact on the LLL-Learner LLL and professional Pathway
Through this program, the PDI can be continuously informed of new tools and techniques needed to perform their teaching and research.
Key success factors
The key success factors of the project are motivation, innovation, recycling, new technologies, communication, and the online platforms.
The program has become a priority objective for the University policy, and has a high degree of acceptance among teachers.
What could be adapted to other projects?
It could be adapted to other organizations, especially the public administration. We suggest it would be a succesfull a feedback collaboration with entrepreneurs.
What would you do differently if the opportunity happened again?
We would include more actors among trainers and teachers of the LTSU. For example, businessmen, entrepreneurs, cultural promoters or agents of economic market and cultural promotion.
Also, we would focus some part of the training on dealing with failure in order to convert negative experiences into opportunities.
3. Lessons Learnt
Regarding the building of a shared definition of LLL in LLL-Hub
We believe that our experience could benefit the other partners of the framework programme.
Regarding the possibilities of having practices in LLL which evolve and become more innovative
It would be good to introduce a programme of exchanges to share and compare experiences. This programme could define opportunities and weaknesses of the programmes and innovation factors.
Regarding the appropriateness between local / national and European frameworks and how to act upon them to make them converge
It is important to support the collaboration of the various local, regional and national authorities in order to provide sustainability for this type of programmes.