Prevention of Domestic Violence against Women
14th December 2015
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Short description
Overall objective is to ensure the respect of human rights among citizens based on gender equality and minimize domestic violence incidents, particularly against women.
Actors Involved
Prime Ministry Directorate General on the Status of Women
Prime Ministry Directorate General on Social Services and Prevention of Children
Target audiences
Relevant links, websites, etc.
Links with national / regional priorities
Gender equality has been underlined in the PNDP as a part of “The second dimension: development of human resources and increasing employment” of “Turkey’s Development Strategy”, with emphasis on “creating equal opportunities for employment”. The Ninth Development Plan (2007-2013) also holds a provision to increase public awareness in order to prevent violence against women. However, it does not refer to the need to provide assistance for victims.
Political and Economic dimensions
Pursue measures to implement current legislation relating to women’s rights and against all forms of violence against women, including crimes committed in the name of honor. Ensure specialized training for judges and prosecutors, law enforcement agencies, municipalities and other responsible institutions and strengthen efforts to establish shelters for women at risk of violence in all larger municipalities, in line with current legislation
Social dimensions
Development of human resources and increasing employment creating equal opportunities for employment.
Violence against women (VAW) is a violation of human rights rooted in inequality between women and men and it is widespread in Turkey. According to the results of the recent “National Research on Domestic Violence against Women in Turkey” (2008), 2 out of 5 women have been exposed to physical violence by their husbands or partners at least once in their lifetime. There is significant variation between regions with regards to experiencing physical violence, which is the highest with 53 percent in the Northern Anatolia and lowest in Western Marmara with 25 percent. These figures show the scale of the problem and the need for immediate action.
At least 2000 Gendarmerie personnel trained on the domestic violence issues throughout territorial organization of Gendarmerie General Command which means 92% of all Turkish territory. – Enhancing the sustainability of human rights trainer pools (a pool achieved by TR 0601.03- Training of Gendarmerie Officers on European Human Rights Standards Twinning Project) with a greater awareness on domestic violence issues. Raising awareness of the people by using Gendarmerie units even exist in the most remote and isolated areas of the country and making long-term positive changes possible. – Increased cooperation between Gendarmerie personnel and related institutions/ ministries’ personnel on duty in their respective responsibility areas for awareness raising in order to provide efficient protection services to women subjected to domestic violence.
Project purpose is to strengthen the capacity of the Gendarmerie in protection of human rights based on gender equality and particularly in the field of combating violence against women.
Key success factors
Providing information but also offering practical advice on how to implement proved preventive strategies effectively.
Contributions to LLL Policy
As members of society we all of us bear responsibility for eliminating violence against women. This violence will end only when society stops tolerating violence.
How does it contributes in qualify members for the Labs and experts for the Forums?
An initial Train-the-trainer seminar was held in Austria in September 2010 as part of the project. Using the present manual, experts from women’s support organisations in various European countries with little or no experience in training professionals were trained so that they could go on to initiate and run similar training programmes in their own countries.
3. Lessons Learnt
Regarding the building of a shared definition of LLL in LLL-Hub
The practical application of the exercises requires various skills and teachings aids designed to enable the trainer to adapt and expand the topics in a variety of ways.
Regarding the possibilities of having practices in LLL which evolve and become more innovative
Brainstorming has proved an extremely creative and stimulating approach to opening up a consideration of a particular topic.
Good work! It ,s so important to create networks in this área, in order to fight against VAW.