LLL-HUB Partner Meeting in Lisbon, 2-4 October 2014

19th January 2015

The LLL-HUB is a project funded with the support of the Lifelong Learning Programme under Key Activity 1 “Policy cooperation and innovation” and coordinated by EUCIS-LLL. Engaging 10 partners from 8 EU countries and beyond as well as with various backgrounds (public authorities, civil society organisations…), it will last for two years from December 2013 to March 2016.

The LLL-HUB aims to create a feeling of shared responsibility on EU lifelong learning strategies through a multilateral network and ownership among relevant stakeholders (Europe 2020 headline targets, ET2020, European Semester Country-Specific Recommend­ations…). This will be achieved by fostering national and transnational public spaces for debates and mutual policy learning, involving the grassroots level in a genuine reflection with decision-makers on the design and implementation of coherent and comprehensive lifelong learning strategies.

A research phase (LLL-Labs) and a seminar (LLL-Forum) will take place in the different partner countries, involving key LLL experts and policy-makers. They will then be invited to gather for transnational policy learning and the elaboration of key political messages in real bottom-up democratic settings. This last step will be achieved through the organisation of a conference in Brussels.

The project has three transversal objectives:

– Foster a shared meaning of lifelong learning

– Enable a cross-sectorial, multi-stakeholders cooperation

– Structure the first transnational policy learning based on a genuine research and dialogue at regio­n­al/­national level on EU LLL strategies

The kick-off meeting took place in February 2014 in Lyon, France. Partners gathered to reflect upon the essence of the project and its methodology in a fruitful and enthusiastic meeting.

On 2-4 October 2014 project partners met in Lisbon, Portugal in order to revisit the different deliverables of the project as well as to share progress with regard to the LLL-Labs, the research phase of the project.


  1. Tenho grande interesse na area de educação corporativa e sou especialista em educação de adultos , formação de formadores e gostaria de ser avisada com antecedência da data deste encontro que esteja prevista para 2016 e se acontece novamente em Lisboa. Antecipadamente grata Jeannine Krischke

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