Presentations and Videos from the LLL-AGORA
18th March 2016
Find below highlighted in BLUE all LLL-AGORA presentations which are available for download.
Monday 7 March
Opening Speeches
Julie WARD, (MEP S&D) – Video Message
Dawn ENGLE, Co-founder and Executive Director of the PeaceJam Foundation
Herman BAERT, Professor, Centre for Research on Professional Learning and Development, Corporate Training and Lifelong Learning, Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium
Presentation of the LLL-HUB project’s main achievements
Audrey FRITH, Director, Lifelong Learning Platform
Workshop 1: Implementing lifelong learning strategies on the territories
Trend 1: Why and how to implement efficient lifelong learning strategies at territorial level?
- Malopolska Partnership for Lifelong Learning (Poland) Presenter: Barbara Worek (Lecturer in the Institute of Sociology, Jagiellonian University)
- Promoting aeronautic careers (Portugal) Presenter: Ana Ribeiro (Project Manager at the International Cooperation Unit of INOVA+)
- Leren werkt! (Belgium, FL) Presenter: Carolien De Hertogh (Project coordinator Leren Werkt! and working for L4-adult education)
- Regional Strategies of Learning Validation and Education (Bulgaria) Presenter: Prof. Ivan Stoychev (Head of the Department “International Economic Relations and Business” at the University of National and World Economy (UNWE), Sofia, Bulgaria)
Trend 2: Cooperation between formal education and business
- Bpost programme (Belgium) Presenter: Kathleen Van Landeghem (Head of second chance education at CVO Antwerpen)
- Lifelong Learning for employees’ adaptability to their changing workplace (Portugal) Presenter: Catarina Neto (Consultant for HR Development at Advancis Business Services)
- Dual Training (Spain) Presenter: Patricia Mora (CEO of Gestiona Global)
- Non-formal qualification at level 5 of the NLQF (Netherlands) Presenter: Christa Heering (General Manager of Heering Consultancy)
Workshop 2: Enrolling people in their lifelong learning pathway
Trend 1: Raising Awareness on lifelong learning and reaching out strategies
- Festival of Professions in Malopolska (Poland) Presenter: Renata KOCLĘGA – HILEVSKY (Psychologist, career counsellor and educator)
- Dreams Academy (Turkey) Presenter: Selin Akdere (Consultant Psychologist at the Social Service Centre of Mardin in Turkey)
- Cop(m)adam (Turkey) Presenter: Hüseyin Haşimi Güneş
- Learning Augmented Reality Global Environment (Bulgaria) – Presenter: Petar Petkov
Trend 2: Mentoring and lifelong learning guidance
- 50+ experienced, needed, qualified (Poland) Presenter: Paulina BELSKA (Krakow Council Labour Office)
- Soufflearning (Spain) Presenter: Antonio Serrano ( Project Manager, Badajoz Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Services )
- Career Guidance System in School Education (Bulgaria) Presenter: Denitsa Mihaylova
Workshop 3: Recognising and valuing LLL Pathways
Trend 1: Supporting learners in their life transitions
- Guidelines for collecting stories from lll-learners: Case study Alice Duarte (Portugal) Presenter: Anicia Trindade (Life Long Learner Expert, a Creative Thinker, a Strategist and Executive of European Projects)
- Personal Certification for teachers in VET4 and SCHE (Netherlands) Presenter: Aart den Boer (General Manager of Extenzo BV, an organisation involved in personnel certification)
- 100% Ecological Farmers Markets (Turkey) Presenter: Ahmet Boz (Academic at Mardin Artuklu University)
Trend 2: Recognising prior learning and taking individuals a step further
- Oscar (Belgium) – Presenter: Ronny Leenknegt (member of staff of Socius, the support organisation for social-cultural work in Flanders) and Gie Van Den Eeckhaut
- Challenge 2016 (Spain) Presenter: Marcial Herrero (Extremadura University – Phd , Lawyer)
- Life Management (Netherlands) Presenter: Bert Wissink (Chairman of EBC*L – international network offering recognised courses for entrepreneurial and business competences and skills)
Tuesday 8 March
Summaries from the workshops with Policy recommendations
Worksop 1 Trend 1: Magdalena Jelonek, Sociologist, Assistant Professor, Krakow University of Economics, Poland
Workshop 1 Trend 2: Jesús María Espinosa Redondo, Project Manager, Cáceres Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Spain
Workshop 2 Trend 1: Yunus Aslan, Immigration Expert, Mardin Provincial Immigration Office, Turkey
Workshop 2 Trend 2: Nadia Kamburova, Institute for training of personnel in international organisations, ITPIO, Bulgaria
Workshop 3 Trend 1: Jan Nienhuis, Advisor, Cooperation Organisation for Vocational Education, Training and the Labour Market (SBB), The Netherlands
Workshop 3 Trend 2: Hilde Van Laer, Researcher, CVO Antwerpen, Belgium
Feedback session and Future Steps
Policy recommendations and future steps
Audrey FRITH, Director, Lifelong Learning Platform, Belgium
Lessons learnt from the implementation of the LLL-HUB methodology
Liliane ESNAULT, responsible of the Project development of the European Regions Foundation for Research, Education and Training (FREREF), France
The DISCUSS Online Platform: Fostering Synergies between Lifelong Learning Communities
Thomas FISCHER, Senior Researcher, Ludwig-Maximilians Universität (LMU), München
Reactions and Recommendations: Ways forward for LLL implementation in Europe
João SANTOS, Deputy Head of Unit, Vocational education and training, apprenticeships and adult education, DG EMPL, European Commission