LLL-HUB Award Contest
The LLL-HUB Award Contest is a stimulating and enjoyable way to showcase best practices identified by partners and promote the project at EU level.
During their research and during the course of the entire project partners identified many best practices for the purposes of the LLL-HUB Comparative Report.
The LLL-HUB Award, awarded only once, focuses on the concern to recognise and ecourage iniatitives, individual or institutional, that give input to the challenges of lifelong learning and the logic developed by the LLL-HUB project. Practices submitted for the Award had to correspond to the AGORA workshop themes which have emerged as central to the project. The following three best practice examples which received the Award during the Award Ceremony at the LLL-AGORA on the 7th of March have been selected by a jury composed by all LLL-HUB partners. The examples were also be presented during the workshop sessions in the afternoon preceding the Award ceremony. The full details for each best practice can be consulted by going on the link:
Leren werkt! (Belgium, FL)
‘Leren werkt!’ (Learning Works!) is a cooperation between L4 adult education and the VDAB (Flemish service for employment and vocational training). Low-educated adults who are unemployed get the chance to learn a profession and to obtain their degree within one year. This training is called OKOT (=Onderwijs Kwalificerende Opleidingstrajecten). Thanks to this training, the chances of the learner on the labour market will be strongly reinforced. Besides, they will also gain a better self-esteem.
Life Management (Netherlands)
Life Management is a method to help people to be more aware of their entrepreneurial skills, to start looking for more opportunities (when at risk of losing a job, in poverty or other difficult situations) to change their lives. It starts with a personal scan, to learn more about their current competences – followed by three modules about starting up an own business. But they are also linked to personal competences, to ‘survive’.
It has been shown that people having such a training, and having possibilities to be entrepreneurial, are less at risk to be dependent on the government and social benefits.
Dual Training (Spain)
The dual vocational training is a new type of offer within vocational training. It is performed in alternation between school and business, with a number of hours or days spent in each of varying duration. The dual FP shall apply to all non-university public schools of the Ministry of Education of Extremadura that offer vocational training courses: Cycles of Basic, Intermediate and Superior Training.
In the future the project will be expanded to other companies and other sectors such as renewable energy.