WUP Krakow, Poland

The Regional Labour Office in Krakow is an organisational entity of the Regional Government of the Malopolska region. As a labour market institution, it undertakes activities concerning this aspect in the Malopolska region. For this reason, since 2007 the goal of and foundation of each initiative of the Labour Office is this underlying mission: competent, qualified and employed residents of the Malopolska region.
The Regional Labour Office in Krakow prepares documents on regional labour market policy as well as those concerning the development of human resources. It annually prepares the Regional Implementation Plan for employment and assesses the labour market situation in the Malopolska region.
The Regional Labour Office in Krakow fulfils the function of an Implementation Institution (2nd Tier Intermediary Institution/ Instytucji Pośredniczącej II stopnia) in the region for the Human Capital Operational Programme, 2007-2013. This means that the Office has resources for the execution of entrepreneurial projects dealing with the development of human resources.
As a labour market institution it supports residents of the Malopolska region in their professional development. Career advisors at the Centre for Information and Career Planning at the Office in Krakow provide career services to adults and youth entering the labour market. The Regional Labour Office maintains information that can be utilised by residents in the Malopolska region to develop their competence and qualifications for employment.
Among its tasks, the Regional Labour Office in Krakow assists in securing safe employment abroad. Offers for employment abroad are systematically placed on the website of the European Job Mobility Portal (EURES). To increase chances for foreign employment, EURES advisors are available to assist interested individuals.
The Regional Labour Office acts as an intermediary for the international transfer of services. It receives and process applications of the unemployed for the issuance of appropriate certifications or decisions in order to establish unemployment benefits for individuals who have worked abroad along with the transference of benefits in countries of the European Union/EEA and Switzerland.
In addition to these fundamental responsibilities, the Regional Labour Office in Krakow carries out active responsibilities in preparing and implementing projects which have been co-financed with European Union Funds. These projects relate directly to the strategic goals of the Labour Office and complement a mutual fulfilment of regional labour market policy.
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