European Regions Foundation for Research in Education and Training (FREREF), France

FREREF was created in 1991 as an initiative of several European Regions. The network currently gathers about thirty Regions and Regional bodies and organisms acting in the area of LLL. It is associated to several other European Networks such as EUCIS-LLL, EARLAll, The Committee of Regions, The European Association of Regions.
The objective of FREREF is to promote and support the real and concrete development of LLL at Regional and European levels, by enabling interregional cooperation based on practice sharing and peer learning, and by reinforcing the links between the regional actors and the European context, which is strongly and rapidly evolving regarding LLL (Lisbon strategy, Copenhagen process, etc.). The collaboration between actors relies on a triptych: decision makers – field operators – researchers, which guarantees the soundness of work, the efficiency of processes, and the relevance and legitimacy of proposals.
The FREREF network is acting through three main channels:
- the European University of Regions and Territories is a unique place to share experiences, discuss about new possible developments, prepare new projects, propagate innovations in LLL;
- European projects enable to develop concrete partnerships, tools, processes, to foster and sustain innovative moves for improving LLL practices;
- the participation in larger actions at the Commission and Parliament level give the possibility to present the positions of FREREF regarding key issues in LLL policy.
FREREF has already been – and is currently – committed in several European projects in the area of LLL (Mobivet, Opir EcVet, Regio-LLL, Europapprenticeship, LLWings, AcroJump,LLL-Hub, eMova, etc.)
As a European network of Regional Bodies and Institutions, FREREF has a key position to promote and disseminate the works of the YOUNG ICARUS project.
FREREF has also a recognised successful experience in project management, methodology development and quality assurance management in European projects.
See the Project Partner's website