Best practices: LLL Actors

Dual Training

31st August 2015

Location / Country / Region Extremadura, Spain Short description The dual vocational training is a new type of offer within vocational training. It is performed in alternation between school and business, with a number of hours or days spent in each of varying duration. Actors Involved Actors involved include teachers, students and educational administrations. Target Audience…

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Lecturer Training and Support Unit (LTSU)

28th August 2015

Location / Country / Region Plasencia, Extremadura, Spain Short description The project consists of a LLL programme supported by the Lecturer Training and Support Unit (LTSU) of the University of Extremadura. Actors Involved Actors involved in the project include the University of Extremadura, teachers, researchers, University students, the administrative and service staff and High School students.…

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27th August 2015

Location / Country / Region Flanders, Belgium Short description Oscar is a portfolio method that edits competence documents (on paper and digital) that can be awarded by socio-cultural organisations to the participants in these activities. The aim is to document learning experiences that have been acquired in non–formal and informal learning environments. Actors Involved Different…

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Leren werkt! (Learning works!)

27th August 2015

Location / Country / Region Flanders, Belgium. The project started in the region of Leuven, but got widely spread in the whole Flanders region. Short description ‘Leren werkt!’ is a cooperation between L4 adult education and the VDAB (Flemish service for employment and vocational training). Low-educated adults that are unemployed get the chance to learn a…

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27th August 2015

Location / Country / Region Belgium Short description B-post wants to actively create opportunities for all its employees. Colleagues who have not completed their secondary education in the past, still have an opportunity to obtain the diploma. A lot of bpost employees do not have a diploma. In order to increase their employability and to…

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Learning Augmented Reality Global Environment

26th August 2015

Location / Country / Region Bulgaria Time frame 2011 -2013 Short description This project was designed to create a new type of learning environment that support the educational/training institutions in delivering their curriculum in the most attractive and effective way for the learners. The Augmented Reality is a known technology, which is used many areas of…

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Development and introduction of an information system for labour force competences assessment by branches and regions

26th August 2015

Location / Country / Region Bulgaria Time frame 2009 – 2015 Short description  Thanks to the project, the competences of key job positions for 20 sectors have been defined (competence profiles). An information system for the assessment and the updating of employees’ qualification based on the current and perspective needs of the labour market was…

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Career Guidance System in School Education

16th February 2015

Location / Country / Region Bulgaria Time frame 2012 – 2015 Short description Under the project a network of 28 regional career guidance centres was established and all of them are functioning providing information, counselling and trainings to students in the school system supporting education and career planning and management, transitions from one level of…

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Career Development of employed persons

16th February 2015

Location / Country / Region Bulgaria Time frame 2012 – 31.10.2015 Short description Under the project 10 career centres were established in the employment system for support of career development of employed persons. Qualified experts provided services aimed at the improvement of personal capacity and development, identification of individual skills, priorities and barriers for career…

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Improvement of Quality of Adult Vocational Training Services Provided by the Vocational Training Centres

16th February 2015

Location / Country / Region Bulgaria Time frame 2013 -2014 Short description The project is very important because the vocational training centres are the main providers of initial and continuous vocational training to adults – employed and unemployed in the country and the qualification courses financed by public funds (state budget and ESF through OP…

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